Tuesday, May 31, 2016

@dogymania, an exciting offer

Try Twitter Ads
Twitter Ads
Hi @dogymania
Twitter Ads can benefit your business by funneling more traffic to your website, promoting your Tweets to a wider audience, or attracting more followers.

Get a head start on your first campaign with a $25 Twitter Ads Credit. Simply Tweet about what's new at your business using #TellTwitterSMB and start your first Twitter Ads campaign this week.* Once you've done that, the credit will appear in your account the following week.

Need a quick primer on general Twitter for Business best practices? Visit our website to brush up on Twitter basics or learn more about our specific products and campaign types.
Create a campaign

**Only new advertisers are eligible. New campaigns must be created by Saturday 6/4/2016.

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You have more friends on Facebook than you think

  The fastest way to find all of your friends on Facebook is importing your email contacts. Once you've imported your contacts you can view, manage or delete them at any time.                            
   Temukan teman lainnya.
Cara tercepat untuk menemukan semua teman di Facebook adalah dengan mengimpor kontak email Anda. Setelah mengimpor kontak, Anda dapat melihat, mengelola, atau menghapusnya kapan saja.
Buka Facebook
Cari Teman
Pesan ini dikirim ke ennrhodes@gmail.com. Jika Anda tidak ingin menerima email ini lagi dari Facebook, berhenti berlangganan.
Facebook, Inc., Attention: Community Support, Menlo Park, CA 94025