Monday, April 20, 2015

@AnimalLeague tweeted: Who's more adorable? Pablo the phenomen-o kitten or Sadie the dobie-hound? Call it a draw? Either…

Who's more adorable? Pablo the phenomen-o kitten or Sadie the dobie-hound? Call it a draw? Either…
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How adorable is the dachsund? Best Breed Ever airs tonight at 9:35PM - find out what breed is right for you!
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Andi Brown
A friend just lost her son to mental illness. Hug your children today, especially those who are troubled.
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12 Biggest Dog Messes
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Welsknight Gaming
First #StudTech episode from the one and only @andyisyoda, and it's a great one! So happy to have him with us.
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Britney Spears
What a great day at the skate park looks like!! Thanks @alexmidler @Volcom @realskateboards for making it so special!
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