Sunday, January 17, 2016

Pup Aid 2016 tweeted: 'Greed & Deception: UK (Legal) Puppy Farming Exposed' Well done @PupFarmingDoc Please watch/share: #wheresmum #adopt

Pup Aid 2016 @pupaid
'Greed & Deception: UK (Legal) Puppy Farming Exposed' Well done @PupFarmingDoc Please watch/share: #wheresmum #adopt
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Veteran Traveler @veterantraveler
Getting settled in. The temp dropped 40°. Warming up for tomorrow's game. Good night Twitterville @Broncos
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RSPCA  @RSPCA_official
Thank you for the kind words tonight #Countryfile viewers. We'll continue to do all we can to help horses get the love & care they deserve.
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Organic Live Foods @OrganicLiveFood
#FactoryFarming; the truth is too hard to swallow n the power of giant #meat n #biotech lobby over the #Obama admin
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