Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Five Keys to Improving Your Influencer Marketing Campaign

Growth tips & tricks for Facebook, eCommerce and more. 

Tweepi Weekly

by Get more Twitter followers using Tweepi
Hi Kenneth,

Check out this week's batch of new growth hacks! We have excellent content on how to most get the most out of a roundup post, and don't forget to think about putting your eCommerce business on eBay - it's still a valuable avenue for marketing. We also found a juicy article on how Facebook retargeting can give you 1,046% lift in trademark search within 4 weeks of exposure - you've gotta check out these tips to get yourself some of that awesome lift percentage! Enjoy!
Growth Hacks

Five Keys to Improving Your Influencer Marketing Campaign

The power of influencer marketing is proven: a $6.50 return on each dollar invested. Take these 5 steps to ensure your influencer marketing campaign is as successful as it can be.
339 times

How To Create Effective Content Roundups And Boost Your Traffic

A roundup post can bring significant amounts of traffic if you create something that you know your readers will love. Otherwise, it's a waste of time. Here's how to do that while avoiding some common pitfalls.
Paid Marketing

Facebook Retargeting: 157-Point Guide & 12 Ideas For Sweet Results

Facebook retargeting can be a good driver for conversions. Get 12 ideas in this ultimate guide, so you can get more marketing qualified leads (MQLs).
203 times
Writing / Blogging

How to Build Traffic and Profit into Your Blog

Let's get into talking about traffic and profit and how to build those things into your blog.
245 times

The Only 3 Types of Writing People Actually Want to Read

I remember the first time a piece I wrote was rejected by an editor.
358 times

How 5 Online Businesses Already Increased Revenue Up to 96.44% – Just By Selling on eBay

Curious about selling on eBay? These 5 success stories showcase the potential of connecting your online store with the popular marketplace.
298 times
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Thank you and until next week,
Veronica & the Tweepi team

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