Thursday, November 15, 2018

Join our Twitter Insiders community

Hello Kenneth Hightower,
Would you like to help shape the future of Twitter and how brands use our platform?
We would like to invite you to join Twitter Insiders, our exclusive online community of Twitter users. As a member, you'll play a leading role in making our social media platform better for brands and for people like you!
To get started, click the JOIN NOW button below where we'll ask you a few questions. It should only take 5 minutes of your time.
Join now
What's involved?
  Online activities such as short surveys and discussion forums
  Updates from Twitter on how your views have influenced our decisions
  Access to behind the scenes content from some of our offices
  Participation is totally free and voluntary
We look forward to welcoming you as a member of Twitter Insiders!
Twitter Insiders Team

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