Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Serious Eats Tweeted: Well, that's exciting!

Your Highlights
Serious Eats
Well, that's exciting! twitter.com/ImpossibleFood…
Marie Solis
David edited this week's New Yorker fiction, by Linn Ullmann, and it's beautiful. Right this way, please: twitter.com/JustJokes247/s…
My GBGV Life
Tasty Freeze Dried Beef Treats Via The North Pole #ChewyInfluencer on @bloglovin
Chris Del Conte
Hi Nathan - I understood your question and responded accordingly.. no worries here my friend 🤘🏽🙌🏽 twitter.com/gundersonnatha…
Tom Colicchio
At home We have Grey felt slippers available for guests that want something more than socks on their feet. twitter.com/hels/status/10…
Emily Ramshaw
A court ruling may allow migrant families to be held indefinitely. These families already know what that feels like. texastribune.org/2018/12/10/mig… via @teoarmus
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