Wednesday, August 2, 2017

@dogymania, what announcements are best done on Twitter?

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Hi @dogymania
We want to help you get more out of Twitter.

Twitter happens in real time. So it's the perfect place to make big, live announcements about your company.
But to keep your announcements relevant, ask yourself:

Will people outside of my organization find the announcement interesting?
Will the information directly affect customers?

If you answer "yes" to both, then you've got an engaging bit of news to share! When you do, remember to tease it out a bit. Tweet, "Big news coming at 3!", share a sneak peak the night before, or release your news in a thread throughout the day. This will give your update more airtime and more viewers.

For more on grabbing Twitter's attention read our article on how to make announcements on Twitter.

Follow us @TwitterBusiness for other insights and updates or try Twitter Ads, which amplifies your efforts on Twitter.
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