Thursday, September 28, 2017

Kenneth, Publishing in 2017 is all about your book's pre-order stats

Hey, Kenneth, writing and publishing a book could be intimidating, so let’s talk about increasing your odds of success.

If you aren't sure how to navigate the publishing world, I came across an innovative solution. Publishizer is a startup focused on connecting authors and publishers by leveraging pre-order campaigns to test demand.

Think of using Publishizer as a way to apply Lean Startup methodology to your own book writing process. I think it's a smart way to go about writing a book, mainly because it helps you estimate your odds of making it.

If you’d like to see a campaign in action, last week, I backed my friend Jacqueline Jensen's book Travel Isn't The Answer.

What techniques are you using to increase your odds in this very traditional, hard-to-crack space?

Until next week!

Amer Kawar
Founder and CEO of Tweepi

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